Centauroos is an innovative Startup investigating Sustainability and Robotics, to reshape a traditional construction technique with advanced production methods

To define

a Sustainable Production Workflow

achieved through 3 easy steps…

1. Recycle

Every year in Europe 510 Million Tons of Construction and demolition waste are produced, and 45 Bn Euro are spent only to process them!!

2. Print

exploiting the potential of 3D Concrete printing, we tackle the construction waste management problem, together with a reduction in material use and construction time

3. Assemble

The printed parts will be then easily assembled to form the final architectural element, raging from urban furnitures to buildings

leading to the rise of a NEW AESTHETICS…

Where Tradition Meets Innovation

First Step :

3D4Reconstruction Research Project

Rebuild the public space of Italian “Borghi” in central Italy affected by 2016 Earthquake starting from the recycling of its rubble

what we accomplished so far…


+ The research project received a “startup grant” from Creative Industries Stimulieringsfond. A Dutch state agency promoting research and creative industry .


+ First contacts established with leading university of TU/e Eindhoven, UNIVPM and UNICAM. The project was presented to several municipalities in Italy in the 2016 earthquake area.


+ Centauroos starts a pre-incubation period at I3P in Turin, ( Politecnico di Torino)
+ Centauroos is incorporated as an S.r.l., registered as an innovative startup, based in Recanati (MC)
+ Centauroos wins the special prize Italcementi / Heidelberg Cement Group linked to the Gaetano Marzotto prize. One of the most regarded prize for startups in Italy
+ Centauroos wins the ECapital 2.0 business plan competition. A Competition promoted by Regione Marche and ISTAO institute in Ancona


+ PANICHI Srl becomes partner of Centauroos, entering the share capital of the company


+ Centauroos starts a new collaboration with the two university of UNIVPM and UNICAM to further develop the study on design and materials